On 5 December 2024, the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) approved the merger between Vodafone and Hutchison 3G UK (Three), subject to legally binding commitments to increase competition in the UK telecoms market and accelerate 5G connectivity. These commitments require Vodafone and Three to invest billions to build a combined 5G network across the UK and deliver a network plan for the next 8 years. The network plan includes upgrades and integration to significantly improve service quality and promote long-term competition between mobile operators. To protect customers during the transition, the merged entity must cap certain mobile tariffs and data plans for 3 years, preventing short-term price hikes. In addition, mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) will have access to pre-determined wholesale prices and contract terms for the same three-year period. These measures address previous concerns about the merger's potential to raise prices and harm MVNOs, as identified in the CMA's Phase 2 investigation. The commitments will be monitored by both Ofcom and the CMA, with the merged entity required to publish annual reports detailing progress on the network plan. The CMA will also monitor and enforce compliance with consumer safeguards.
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