On 2 February 2023, the European Parliament passed its position on the Regulation on the transparency and targeting of political advertising. The Regulation outlines transparency obligations concerning political advertising, including advertising displayed on online platforms, mobile applications, websites, games and other digital interfaces. The obligations outlined in the Regulation don't apply to online intermediary services provided without remuneration for the preparation, placement, promotion, publication or dissemination of a political message. In particular, the Regulation would prohibit providers of political advertising services from targeting and using amplification techniques involving the processing of sensitive personal data, such as data on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or political opinions, unless consent is separately and explicitly given for political advertising. The providers and data controllers will be required to indicate that each advertisement is political in nature, that it was targeted to a specific audience along a series of parameters, and the categories and sources of the personal data used for targeting and amplifying. Furthermore, the data controllers will be required to ensure that the right to withdraw consent and object to the treatment of data are properly communicated, alongside a link to an interface allowing the subject to exercise this right. The European Parliament has added a number of provisions, such as prohibiting targeting and ad delivery based on processing of special categories of personal data or personal data of minors.
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