On 22 November 2024, the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) issued its provisional findings concerning the market investigation into mobile browsers and cloud gaming and opened a consultation regarding the findings until 13 December 2024. Regarding mobile browsers, the CMA provisionally found that several of Apple’s policies implemented in the markets for mobile browsers, browser engines, and in-app browsing technology restrict competition and choice concerning the options available to app developers to offer in-app browsing. Further, the CMA found that sharing arrangements between Google and Apple reduce their financial incentives to compete in mobile browsers on iOS, and that both Apple’s and Google’s product design choices make it significantly harder for users to drive competition by actively choosing which mobile browser they use. In relation to cloud gaming apps, the CMA found that Apple had introduced changes allowing cloud gaming apps to be sold through the App Store, thus concluding there is no need for intervention by the CMA in mobile cloud gaming.
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