
Closed Inquiry on the use of Pegasus and other equivalent surveillance spyware

On 8 May 2023, the inquiry commissioned by the European Parliament (EP)'s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs (department) at the request of the Committee of Inquiry to Investigate the Use of Pegasus and Equivalent Surveillance Spyware (PEGA) was closed with the adoption by the Committee of the final report. Specifically, the inquiry investigated the use of the software Pegasus, as well as equivalent spyware, in the EU.The final report found that spyware had been used in certain member states of the EU to discredit, intimidate and surveil reporters and civil society. The report detailed emerging trends on the usage of technology for repression and the reduction of media freedom. An example is the rapid spread of AI-based decision-making or biometric surveillance. Finally, the report made specific recommendations to curb the use of commercial spyware in the EU such as regulating trade in spyware more effectively. In light of the PEGA report, MEPs on the Committee proposed specific regulations to reduce the illegal use of spyware, including, for example, including restrictions on use of spyware of by law enforcement, shielding of certain types of data from surveillance, and mandatory notification of both targeted and non-targeted people that data was accessed as part of surveillance. A final report on the inquiry will be subject to a full vote by the EP in its next plenary session.

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Policy Area
Data governance
Policy Instrument
Data protection regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
technological consumer goods
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body

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under deliberation

On 19 April 2022, the European Parliament's Inquiry Committee launched an investigation into the us…


On 8 May 2023, the inquiry commissioned by the European Parliament (EP)'s Policy Department for Cit…


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