On 1 September 2023, the draft list of countries that are approved to receive personal data transfers out of Switzerland adopted by the Swiss government under Article 16 of the amended Swiss Data Protection Act was implemented. The list is annexed t…
SourceOn 31 August 2022, the Swiss government adopted a draft list of countries that are approved to receive personal data transfers out of Switzerland, under Article 16 of the amended Swiss Data Protection Act, which will come into force on 1 September 2…
SourceOn 14 October 2021, the Swiss government closed the public consultation on a draft list of countries that are approved to receive personal data transfers out of Switzerland, under Article 16 of the amended Swiss Data Protection Act. The list is anne…
SourceOn 23 June 2021, the Swiss government opened a public consultation on a draft list of countries that are approved to receive personal data transfers out of Switzerland, under Article 16 of the amended Swiss Data Protection Act. The list is annexed t…