On 27 July 2022, Indonesia's Ministry of Communication and Informatics announced that, after the lapse of the 20 July 2022 deadline for private ESO registration, it had sent warning letters to unregistered private ESOs giving them until 27 July 2022…
SourceOn 20 July 2022, the Government of Indonesia implements Government Regulation 71 (GR 71/2019). The Regulation amends GR 82/2012 and introduces a classification of Electronic System Providers (ESP) in Public and Private. Before that date, all ESP (pu…
SourceOn 14 June 2022, Indonesia's Ministry of Communication and Informatics implements Circular 3/2022 on the Effective Date of Registration of Private Scope Electronic System Operators. The Circular clarifies that the Online Single Submission (OSS) syst…
SourceOn 21 May 2021, the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) publishes Regulation No. 10 of 2021 amending Kominfo Regulation 5/2020 and further postponing the registration deadline for private Electronic System Operators (ESOs)…
SourceOn 24 November 2020, the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) publishes Regulation No. 5 of 2020 amending Government Regulation 71/2019 and postponing the registration deadline for private Electronic System Operators (ESOs)…
SourceOn 4 October 2019, the Government of Indonesia issues Government Regulation 71 (GR 71/2019). The Regulation amends GR 82/2012 and introduces a classification of Electronic System Operators (ESO) in Public and Private. All ESO (public and private) ar…