On 1 July 2018, Federal Law No. 374-FZ on Amendments to the Federal Law on Countering Terrorism, including data localisation requirements, entered into force. The Law introduces amendments to several laws, imposing local data storage obligations in …
SourceOn 6 July 2016, Russian President Putin signed Federal Law #374-FZ (On Amending Federal Law “On Combating Terrorism” And Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding The Establishment Of Additional Counter-Terrorism Measures And Publ…
SourceOn 29 June 2016, Bill No. 1039149-6 on Amendments to the Federal Law on Countering Terrorism was adopted by the Federal Council. The Bill introduces amendments to several laws, imposing local data storage obligations in Russia on Internet service an…
SourceOn 7 April 2016, the Bill No. 1039149-6 on Amendments to the Federal Law on Countering Terrorism was introduced in the State Duma. The Bill introduces amendments to several laws and outlines obligations for Internet service and telecommunication pro…