United States of America: Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355)


Current status
01 Jan 2025 in force
17 Sep 2024 adopted
27 Aug 2024 adopted
22 May 2024 under deliberation
12 Feb 2024 under deliberation


United States of America
Policy Area
Content moderation
Policy Instrument
Content moderation regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
online advertising provider
ML and AI development
Government Branch
Government Body
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

01 Jan 2025
in force

Implemented Assembly Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355)

On 1 January 2025, the Assembly Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355) was implemented. The Bill mandates that political ads co…

Event type law
Action type implementation
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
17 Sep 2024

Signed Assembly Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355)

On 17 September 2024, the Assembly Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355) was signed by the Governor of California. The Bill ma…

Event type law
Action type signing
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
27 Aug 2024

Adopted Assembly Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355)

On 27 August 2024, the Assembly Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355) was adopted by the California Senate and will now be sen…

Event type law
Action type adoption
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
22 May 2024
under deliberation

Passed Assembly Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355)

On 22 May 2024, the Assembly Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355) was passed by the California Assembly. The Bill mandates th…

Event type law
Action type passage
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
12 Feb 2024
under deliberation

Introduced Assembly Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355)

On 12 February 2024, the Assembly Bill requiring electoral advertisements using AI-generated or substantially altered content to feature a disclosure that the material has been altered (AB 2355) was introduced by Assembly Members Wendy Carrillo and …

Event type law
Action type introduction
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament