United States of America: FCC transparency requirements for Artificial Intelligence generated content in political advertisements


Current status
in consultation
04 Sep 2024 in consultation
05 Aug 2024 in consultation
25 Jul 2024 under deliberation


United States of America
Policy Area
Content moderation
Policy Instrument
Content moderation regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
online advertising provider
Government Branch
Government Body
other regulatory body
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

04 Sep 2024
in consultation

Closed consultation on FCC rule on Disclosure and Transparency of Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content in Political Advertisements

On 4 September 2024, the Federal Communications Commission closes the public consultation on the proposed rule on disclosure and transparency of Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated content in political advertisements. The rule would apply to enti…

Event type order
Action type consultation opened
Government branch executive
Government body other regulatory body
05 Aug 2024
in consultation

Opened consultation on FCC rule on Disclosure and Transparency of Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content in Political Advertisements

On 5 August 2024, the US Federal Communications Commission opened the public consultation on the proposed rule on disclosure and transparency of Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated content in political advertisements until 4 September 2024. The r…

Event type order
Action type consultation opened
Government branch executive
Government body other regulatory body
25 Jul 2024
under deliberation

Introduced FCC transparency requirements for Artificial Intelligence generated content in political advertisements

On 25 July 2024, the US Federal Communications Commission introduced rules on transparency requirements for Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated content in political advertisements. The Rules apply to entities involved in political advertising, in…

Event type order
Action type announcement
Government branch executive
Government body other regulatory body