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Implemented decree requiring cybersecurity diversification

On 22 March 2022, the Italian government implemented the "Emergency Measures Decree to react to the economic and humanitarian effects of the Ukrainian crisis" (Law Decree No. 21/2022). To enhance cybersecurity in view of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Decree requires public bodies that utilise endpoint security software (e.g. anti-virus) and web application firewall software provided by Russian companies to diversify their cybersecurity by buying additional non-Russian products through public procurement procedures.

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Policy Area
Data governance
Policy Instrument
Cybersecurity regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
central government

Complete timeline of this policy change

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On 21 March 2022, the Italian government adopted the "Emergency Measures Decree to react to the eco…

in force

On 22 March 2022, the Italian government implemented the "Emergency Measures Decree to react to the…

Key regulatory dimensions

Regulated subjects

The businesses, government agencies or individuals affected by this policy or regulatory change.
producer / supplier
Type Governmental organisation
Economic activity cross-cutting
Category All

Policy change by business practice

The detailed activities within the scope of this policy or regulatory change.
software: other: operate
Regulatory tool
Preventive security requirement
Regulated subjects

Policy change by business practice

The detailed activities within the scope of this policy or regulatory change.

software: other: operate