On 28 January 2022, the Cyberspace Administration of China opened the public consultation on the draft of the "Provisions on the Administration of Deep Synthesis of Internet Information Services". The draft defines the "deep synthesis technology" as technologies using deep learning algorithms to generate text, voice, sound and face content. According to the draft, organisations that provide deep synthesis technologies would have to introduce methods to allow the identification of deep synthesis technology in the produced content: in particular, they would have to implement logos, descriptions and voice explanations. Additionally, such deep synthesis technology providers would need to conduct real identity information authentication, disclose management rules, engage in self-regulation and adopt protocols to identify the use of unlawful content. Application store providers would need to monitor the deep synthesis applications offered in their stores. Moreover, deep synthesis service providers would need to implement mechanisms to prevent the dissemination of false information through their content, and establish portals and procedures to file complaints. Also, such organizations shall disclose management rules, engage in self-regulation and adopt protocols to identify the use of unlawful content. Finally, any deep synthesis services shall conduct real identity information authentication and respect regulation on data protection. The consultation will be closed on 28 February 2022.
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