On 28 November 2024, the European Commission adopted technical standards for the European Digital Identity (eID) Wallets under the European Digital Identity Framework. These standards comprise four implementing regulations detailing uniform specifications and procedures for cross-border interoperability, data security, and privacy protection. A fifth regulation establishes a certification framework to ensure eID Wallets are secure and safeguard personal data. The European Digital Identity mandates that platforms designated as gatekeepers under the Digital Markets Act must ensure free and seamless interoperability for business users of European digital identity wallets and electronic identification tools. This includes enabling access to operating systems, hardware, and software features, irrespective of whether the gatekeeper utilises these features. The wallets will store data locally, with users maintaining full control over shared information, supported by a privacy dashboard for transparency. Designed for both public and private services, eID Wallets enable cross-border applications such as opening bank accounts, verifying age, or managing travel documentation. The implementing regulations will be published in the Official Journal and take effect 20 days later. Member States are expected to develop and release their wallets by the end of 2026.
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