
Implemented Beijing Pilot Free Trade Zone Cross-Border Data Transfer List

On 30 August 2024, the Beijing Municipal Cyberspace Administration along with the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Municipal Government Services, and the Data Management Bureau published and implemented the “China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone Cross-Border Data Transfer List (Negative List)” and the “ Measures for Pilot Free Trade Zone Cross-Border Data Transfer Negative List (Trial)”. The list outlines cases where data exporters must comply with security assessments, standard contracts, and certification requirements. The list classifies data in 5 industries and 48 subcategories.

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Policy Area
Data governance
Policy Instrument
Cross-border data transfer regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
central government

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On 30 August 2024, the Beijing Municipal Cyberspace Administration along with the Municipal Bureau …