Brazil: Announced Request for Supreme Federal Court Joint Judgment in cases concerning Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet


Announced Request for Supreme Federal Court Joint Judgment in cases concerning Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet

On 23 August 2024, the rapporteurs of three cases requested that the Supreme Federal Court (STF) jointly judge their cases concerning the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet and digital platforms. The cases concern, respectively, the necessity for a court order to establish the responsibility of websites and social media providers for harmful content, the responsibility of internet service or application providers to remove illegal content generated by users, and the possibility of blocking WhatsApp by court order. The President of the STF will set the date of the hearing.

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Policy Area
Content moderation
Policy Instrument
Content moderation regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
supreme court

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under deliberation

On 23 August 2024, the rapporteurs of three cases requested that the Supreme Federal Court (STF) jo…