South Africa: Announced Competition Commission settlement with Booking under Online Intermediation Platforms Market Inquiry (OIPMI)


Announced Competition Commission settlement with Booking under Online Intermediation Platforms Market Inquiry (OIPMI)

On 13 August 2024, South Africa’s Competition Commission announced it had reached a settlement with Booking after accepting the company’s undertaking to fulfil the remedial actions included in the final report of the Online Intermediation Platforms Market Inquiry (OIPMI) published on 30 July 2023. In particular, Booking has committed to remove the wide and narrow price parity clauses from all contracts with accommodation providers in South Africa, and from any criterion for participation in Booking incentive and membership programmes.

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Policy Area
Consumer protection
Policy Instrument
Unilateral conduct regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
platform intermediary: other
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
competition authority

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On 13 August 2024, South Africa’s Competition Commission announced it had reached a settlement with…