Singapore: Issued MHA correction direction and targeted correction direction in investigation regarding published falsehoods by TJC on Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn


Issued MHA correction direction and targeted correction direction in investigation regarding published falsehoods by TJC on Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn

On 11 August 2024, the Ministry of Home Affairs directed the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) Office to issue a correction direction to the Transformative Justice Collective (TJC) for their posts on Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter). Additionally, a Targeted Correction Direction was issued to LinkedIn, requiring the placement of a correction notice on a post by Julie O’Connor. The correction orders aim to address the dissemination of false information regarding the treatment of prisoners awaiting capital punishment (PACPs) on social media platforms. The Ministry identified specific posts on Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn that contained inaccuracies about the legal processes leading to the execution of two Singaporean death row prisoners earlier in the month.

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Policy Area
Content moderation
Policy Instrument
Content moderation regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
platform intermediary: user-generated content
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
other regulatory body

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under investigation

On 11 August 2024, the Ministry of Home Affairs directed the Protection from Online Falsehoods and …