Russia: Issued information on Public Communication Network Monitoring and Management Center's action on cybersecurity threats from 1 to 7 July 2024


Issued information on Public Communication Network Monitoring and Management Center's action on cybersecurity threats from 1 to 7 July 2024

On 8 July 2024, the Public Communication Network Monitoring and Management Center (CMCN) issued information on actions regarding cybersecurity threats. The CMCN announced that they had 42 traffic routing violations identified and corrected and sent 6 security bulletins to telecom operators about identified vulnerabilities in software with recommendations for eliminating them. The CMCN also informed that they had repulsed 1 distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)-attack against the systems of protected entities, blocked 751 phishing resources and blocked 34 websites that were distributing maleware.

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Policy Area
Data governance
Policy Instrument
Cybersecurity regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
infrastructure provider: internet and telecom services
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
other regulatory body

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On 5 July 2024, the Public Communication Network Monitoring and Management Center issued informatio…

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On 8 July 2024, the Public Communication Network Monitoring and Management Center (CMCN) issued inf…

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