On 30 September 2019, the Ministry of Communications and Information adopted the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Regulations 2019. The regulations implement the Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act and establish the designated prescribed internet intermediaries subject to the requirements for Part 3 and Part 4 Directions, Declarations, Account Restriction Directions, service of directions, orders and notices to address online falsehoods and manipulation. The prescribed internet intermediaries under Sections 21(2), 22(2), and 23(1)(a) of the Act are Google Search, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SPH Magazines (HardwareZone.com) and Baidu. The entities subject to sections 21(2) and 22(2) of the Act include Google (YouTube), Facebook (Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp), Twitter, SPH Magazines, and WeChat International. The prescribed holders under section 23(1)(b), (c), and (d) of the Act are Singapore Press Holdings Limited, Mediacorp, Mediacorp TV Singapore, StarHub Cable Vision, SingNet, Singtel Mobile Singapore, StarHub Mobile, and M1 Limited. Finally, the digital advertising intermediaries include Google Ads and Facebook Audience Network.
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