On 15 August 2022, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree No. 53/2022/ND-CP, which clarifies the obligations under the Law on Cybersecurity (Decree No. 24/2018/QH14). The decree empowers the cybersecurity task force with the authority to issue requests to companies, verify compliance, and coordinate the results with relevant authorities. Furthermore, Decree 53 establishes a variety of legal frameworks and procedures that enable authorities to prevent and respond to unlawful activities in cyberspace. This encompasses the assessment, inspection, and supervision of cybersecurity measures, the evaluation of cybersecurity conditions, the demand for the disclosure of data, the removal of information or the suspension or cessation of operations of information systems, as well as the revocation of domain names. The Minister of Public Security is authorised to suspend or terminate the operation of information systems or revoke domain names in instances where such systems or domains are found to be in violation of national security and cybersecurity laws.
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