Japan: Introduced Bill on Promoting Competition Regarding Specific Software Used in Smartphones including unilateral conduct regulation


Introduced Bill on Promoting Competition Regarding Specific Software Used in Smartphones including unilateral conduct regulation

On 26 April 2024, the Bill on Promoting Competition Regarding Specific Software Used in Smartphones was introduced to the House of Representatives. The Bill would prohibit designated business operators, whose services are integral to smartphone usage, from engaging in practices that could use their market position to unfairly disadvantage competitors or restrict consumer choice. In particular, the Bill states that designated businesses are prohibited from engaging in unreasonable discrimination against individual application businesses in the use of basic operating software or app stores and prioritising their products or services over others without a justifiable reason. Furthermore, the designated business operators will be prohibited from unfairly restricting individual application businesses regarding payment methods, related web pages, or browser engines unless necessary for cybersecurity.

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Policy Area
Policy Instrument
Unilateral conduct regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
software provider: app stores, search service provider, infrastructure provider: cloud computing, storage and databases
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
central government

Complete timeline of this policy change

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under deliberation

On 26 April 2024, the Bill on Promoting Competition Regarding Specific Software Used in Smartphones…

under deliberation

On 23 May 2024, the Bill on Promoting Competition Regarding Specific Software Used in Smartphones w…


On 12 June 2024, the Bill on Promoting Competition Regarding Specific Software Used in Smartphones …

in grace period

On 19 June 2024, the Bill on Promoting Competition Regarding Specific Software Used in Smartphones …