Germany: Closed Federal Cartel Office investigation into Renesas Electronics Corporation's proposed acquisition of Altium Limited


Closed Federal Cartel Office investigation into Renesas Electronics Corporation's proposed acquisition of Altium Limited

On 14 May 2024, the German Federal Cartel Office approved Renesas Electronics Corporation's proposed acquisition of Altium Limited. Altium provides software for designing printed circuit boards, while Renesas operates in semiconductor manufacturing and distribution, particularly in the automotive sector. Following an examination, the Federal Cartel Office found no competition concerns regarding the acquisition, noting that there are no significant market overlaps between the two companies, and no adverse effects on competition are expected as they operate in different areas.

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Policy Area
Policy Instrument
Merger control regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
semiconductors, software provider: other software
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
competition authority

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On 14 May 2024, the German Federal Cartel Office approved Renesas Electronics Corporation's propose…