On 2 April 2024, the Ministry of Digitization in Poland initiated a public consultation on a Bill on the designation of market surveillance authority and notifying authority under the European Union Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) until 23 April 2024. The pre-consultation aims to gather initial opinions from AI sector stakeholders on how best to integrate the Act into Poland's legal system. Stakeholders are invited to share information on whether a new market surveillance authority under Polish law should be established or new powers should be given to existing bodies for efficient implementation of the Act. Furthermore, the Ministry seeks information on whether the notifying authority function should be assigned to an existing public entity or a new entity. Under the AI Act, the market surveillance authority will serve as an entity for regulation enforcement, handling authorisations, incident reports, and complaints regarding high-risk AI systems, and the notifying authority will oversee the assessment and designation procedures for compliance assessment bodies and provide evidence to regulatory bodies when necessary.
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