Republic of Korea: Adopted Bill amending Game Industry Promotion Act including labelling and disclosure requirements (Bill no. 2120110)

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Adopted Bill amending Game Industry Promotion Act including labelling and disclosure requirements (Bill no. 2120110)

On 27 February 2023, the Bill amending the Game Industry Promotion Act, including labelling and disclosure requirements (Bill no. 2120110), was adopted by the National Assembly of South Korea. The Bill introduces a new definition for probability items, encompassing in-game items whose specific types, effects, and performance are determined by chance factors. Game companies are mandated to disclose comprehensive information regarding probability items. This includes disclosing the types of probability items available in the game, as well as providing detailed information on the probability of obtaining each type. They must be displayed in a clear and understandable manner, making it easily accessible to users. This disclosure obligation extends to game products, internet homepages, and promotional materials. Furthermore, the Bill changes the definition of youth from 18 to 19 years old. The providers of games are required to specify the target audience of the game and clearly label it if it is not allowed for youth. Finally, the Bill gives the Game Management Committee the power to assess the accuracy of the historical events depicted in the games and issue corrective measures. The Law stipulates that the Committee will evaluate historical facts to ensure that foreign entities or governments don't distort Korean history and culture. The non-compliance with the Bill may result in penalties such as corrective orders issued by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, including fines of up to KRW 20 million.

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Policy Area
Consumer protection
Policy Instrument
Fair marketing and advertising practice requirement
Regulated Economic Activity
software provider: other software
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body

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under deliberation

On 20 February 2023, the Bill amending the Game Industry Promotion Act, including labelling and dis…


On 27 February 2023, the Bill amending the Game Industry Promotion Act, including labelling and dis…

in force

On 22 March 2024, the law amending the Game Industry Promotion Act, labelling and disclosure requir…