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Adopted Interim Report on AI Governance by UN AI Advisory Body

On 21 December 2023, the UN Secretary-General's AI Advisory Body published the Interim Report Governing AI for Humanity. The report proposes a global governance framework for AI development, focusing on inclusivity, public interest, data governance, and alignment with international law and the Sustainable Development Goals. The report also outlines the functions of AI governance, including regular assessment of AI's trajectory, harmonising standards, promoting international collaboration, and developing binding accountability norms. The final report is expected to be released in the summer of 2024.

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Policy Area
Design and testing standards
Policy Instrument
Artificial Intelligence authority governance
Regulated Economic Activity
ML and AI development
Implementation Level
multilateral agreement
Government Branch
Government Body
other regulatory body

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On 27 October 2023, the United Nations Secretary-General announced the creation of an AI Advisory B…


On 21 December 2023, the UN Secretary-General's AI Advisory Body published the Interim Report Gover…