China: Opened consultation on Guidelines for the Construction of a National Comprehensive Standardization System for the Artificial Intelligence (Draft)


Opened consultation on Guidelines for the Construction of a National Comprehensive Standardization System for the Artificial Intelligence (Draft)

On 17 January 2024, the Chinese Department of Science and Technology opened a consultation on the Guidelines for the Construction of a National Comprehensive Standardization System for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Industry (Draft for Comments) until 31 January 2024. The guidelines aim at accelerating the development of AI and creating standards that meet the requirements of the industry. Specifically, the guidelines introduce various standards for different areas. The basic common standards refer to the overall formal standards of AI while the basic support standards regulate the technical requirements. Beyond that, there are key technical standards, intelligent product and service standards, industry application standards and security and governance standards.

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Policy Area
Design and testing standards
Policy Instrument
Testing requirement
Regulated Economic Activity
ML and AI development, infrastructure provider: network hardware and equipment
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
central government

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On 17 January 2024, the Chinese Department of Science and Technology opened a consultation on the G…

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On 31 January 2024, the Chinese Department of Science and Technology closed a consultation on the G…


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