United States of America: Introduced Bill for a disclosure obligation for websites and apps with links to the Chinese Communist Party (SB 3329)

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Introduced Bill for a disclosure obligation for websites and apps with links to the Chinese Communist Party (SB 3329)

On 15 November 2023, the Bill for a disclosure obligation for websites and apps with links to the Chinese Communist Party (SB 3329) was introduced in the Senate. The Bill would require persons operating a website or selling or distributing a mobile application to make specific disclosures. This disclosure requirement applies to websites and apps that are wholly or partially owned by the Chinese Communist Party, a Chinese state-owned entity, or a non-state entity in the People's Republic of China. In addition, this obligation also applies if the data collected by these websites or applications is stored and managed in China. Any user who downloads or otherwise uses such a website or application must be informed of these matters.

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Policy Area
Data governance
Policy Instrument
Data protection regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
platform intermediary: user-generated content, platform intermediary: e-commerce, platform intermediary: other, infrastructure provider: cloud computing, storage and databases
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body

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On 15 November 2023, the Bill for a disclosure obligation for websites and apps with links to the C…