Indonesia: Implemented Law 11/2008 Regarding Electronic Information and Transactions including cybersecurity regulation

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Implemented Law 11/2008 Regarding Electronic Information and Transactions including cybersecurity regulation

On 21 April 2008, Law 11/2008 Regarding Electronic Information and Transactions was implemented on the same day as it was signed by the President of Indonesia. The Law establishes cybersecurity requirements, making operators of electronic systems responsible for protecting the availability, entirety, authenticity, confidentiality, and accessibility of electronic information provided through their systems. Further, it prohibits a number of actions, including unlawfully accessing computers and electronic systems, hacking, and intercepting electronic information and documents.

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Policy Area
Data governance
Policy Instrument
Cybersecurity regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body

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On 21 April 2008, Law 11/2008 Regarding Electronic Information and Transactions was implemented on …