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Adopted Audiovisual Media Law including content moderation regulation

On 12 December 2017, the Council of Ministers adopted the Audiovisual Media Law through Resolution N. 170. The law ensures that the broadcasted media conforms to cultural, social, and legal considerations in the Kingdom. Any media content should adhere to the "Kingdom's media policy" and respect the "inviolability" of individuals. More specifically, the law prohibits the broadcasting of contempt, anger or reverence to Allah, the Prophets and their companions, and the Holy Quran. Additionally, the Islamic Shari'ah principles need to be respected. Any media content should consider the public morals of the Kingdom, which includes not showing nudity, vulgar language, and sexual acts. Any content that promotes drugs, tobacco or alcohol is prohibited. Politically, the King and Crown Prince are to be respected as well. Content should not entice citizens to violence, division, terrorism or hatred. National security and public interests should be maintained: content may not upheave the public order. Content should refrain from insulting countries that are Islamic, Arab or have friendly relations with the Kingdom. As for individual rights, content should respect intellectual property rights, the privacy of individuals, and the freedom of expression and opinion. Any content that is not proven with sufficient evidence may not be transmitted. As for advertising, a "balance" should be maintained between advertising and non-advertising content. Additionally, any advertisements that relate to pharmaceuticals, nutrition or investment may not be broadcast without previous approval.

Original source


Policy Area
Content moderation
Policy Instrument
Content moderation regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
online advertising provider, streaming service provider, other service provider
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
central government

Complete timeline of this policy change

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On 12 December 2017, the Council of Ministers adopted the Audiovisual Media Law through Resolution …

in grace period

On 13 December 2017, the Audiovisual Media Law entered into force through Royal Decree M/33. The l…

in force

On 21 March 2018, the Audiovisual Media Law was implemented, 90 days after its publication in the …