
Published Ofcom report on possible effects of generative AI on the communication sector

On 8 June 2023, the British communications regulator (Ofcom) released a report regarding the potential impact of generative AI on the communication sector. The report provides insights into the advantages and disadvantages that could arise from the implementation of generative AI in the industry. It also offers an overview of Ofcom's approach to managing these changes. Ofcom asserts that most experts agree that generative AI is likely to have a substantial influence on our economy and society as a whole, particularly within the communications sector. From telecommunications security to broadcast content, and from online safety to spectrum management, generative AI holds the potential to disrupt traditional service delivery, business models, and consumer behavior. Ofcom further states that its teams are diligently monitoring the progress of generative AI. The technical, research, and policy teams are conducting studies to gain a deeper understanding of the novel opportunities and risks associated with the development and use of generative AI models across the communications sectors that fall under Ofcom's regulation. They are also assessing the measures being taken by developers and other industry players to mitigate these risks.

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Policy Area
Other operating conditions
Policy Instrument
Quality of Service requirement
Regulated Economic Activity
infrastructure provider: internet and telecom services, ML and AI development
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
other regulatory body

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On 8 June 2023, the British communications regulator (Ofcom) released a report regarding the potent…