On 6 May 2020, Bill 848/20 was introduced in the Senate of Argentina with the aim of protecting the victims of fake news and hate speech on social network platforms. Particularly, any social network service provider with more than one million users would be required to establish a flagging mechanism to signal illegal speech on the platform. In the case of suspected "fake news" speech, the provider would be required to block the illegal content within 7 days of the reception of the complaint. In case of doubt, the platform may investigate the case for a maximum of 30 days. In the case of suspected hate speech, the provider shall block the illegal content within 24 hours of the reception of the complaint. Moreover, the platforms are obliged to issue an annual report on the presence of illegal speech. In case of violation, the fines can amount to up to ARS 4'000'000 pesos, and, in case of recidivism, the social network service can be suspended.
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