
Adopted Order on Request regarding Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything Technology

On 24 April 2023, the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, the Office of Engineering and Technology, and the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (bureaus) issued a decision in the request submitted regarding the authorisation of Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) technology. Automotive manufacturers and equipment manufacturers have requested the removal of previous rules so that C-V2X technology can be used in the upper 30 MHz of the spectrum in the 5.895-5.925 GHz range. That would enable vehicles and infrastructure to communicate effectively in real-time by depending on the already present mobile wireless network operations (like 5G). The waiver request was granted to the specific companies that made the request, while other waiver requests remain pending. Since the bureau's rules are based on another technology (DSRC), this is an interim solution until the Federal Communications Commission issues final overhauled rules.

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Policy Area
Authorisation, registration and licensing
Policy Instrument
Authorisation of goods or services
Regulated Economic Activity
technological consumer goods
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
central government

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On 24 April 2023, the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau, the Office of Engineering and Tec…