France: Implemented Law 2022-300 aimed at strengthening parental control over the means of access to the internet including service access restrictions

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Implemented Law 2022-300 aimed at strengthening parental control over the means of access to the internet including service access restrictions

On 4 September 2022, Law 2022-300, aimed at strengthening parental control over the means of access to the internet, including service access restrictions, was implemented following the adoption of the Government Decree 2022-1212 on 2 September 2022. In particular, the Law requires manufacturers of devices with internet access that potentially allows access to content, which is harmful to minors, to include parental control options in their products. Specifically, manufacturers must ensure, when placing a device on the market that the operating system installed on the device includes parental control options. Furthermore, the supplier of the operating system is required to certify that the system complies with the Law. Finally, the manufacturer must certify compliance with the Law to importers, fulfilment service providers, and distributors. The Council of State must establish the technical measures that manufacturers must follow, develop certification methods and define the conditions under which the competent authority can prohibit the placement on the market of a device.

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Policy Area
Authorisation, registration and licensing
Policy Instrument
Age verification requirement
Regulated Economic Activity
technological consumer goods, software provider: other software
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
central government

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under deliberation

On 3 November 2021, the Bill aimed at strengthening parental control over the means of access to th…


On 24 February 2022, the Bill aimed at strengthening parental control over the means of access to t…

in force

On 4 September 2022, Law 2022-300, aimed at strengthening parental control over the means of access…