United States of America: Introduced Protecting the Information of our Vulnerable Adolescents, Children and Youth Act of 2023 (Kids PRIVACY Act/HR 2801)

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Introduced Protecting the Information of our Vulnerable Adolescents, Children and Youth Act of 2023 (Kids PRIVACY Act/HR 2801)

On 24 April 2023, the Protecting the Information of our Vulnerable Adolescents, Children and Youth Act of 2023 (Kids PRIVACY Act/HR 2801) was introduced in the House of Representatives of the United States. The Act reintroduces the provisions outlined in a previous Bill, HR 4801, that failed to pass before the 117th Congress adjourned on 3 January 2023. The Act would require platforms to obtain consent for the collecting, processing, transferring or selling data of individuals under 18 years old. Furthermore, the Act would establish the right of individuals to access, change or request the deletion of the data that platforms store. Finally, the Act would prohibit targeted advertisements and expand the list of protected information to include biometric, health, location and education data.

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Policy Area
Data governance
Policy Instrument
Data protection regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body

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under deliberation

On 24 April 2023, the Protecting the Information of our Vulnerable Adolescents, Children and Youth …