On 1 January 2023, the amendment of the Swiss Telecommunication Ordinance entered into force. In particular, the amendment requires internet service providers to increase preventive cyber security measures and establish a procedure to communicate cy…
SourceOn 16 November 2022, the Federal Council adopted the amendment of the Swiss Telecommunication Ordinance. In particular, the amendment requires internet service providers to increase preventive cyber security measures and establish a procedure to com…
SourceOn 18 March 2022, after being opened on 3 December 2021, the consultation on the amendment of the Swiss Telecommunication Ordanince is closed. In particular, the draft amendment requires internet service providers to increase preventive cyber securi…
SourceThe Swiss Federal Council opened a consultation on the amendment of the Swiss Telecommunication Ordinance on 3 December 2021. In particular, the draft amendment requires internet service providers to increase preventive cyber security measures and e…