United Kingdom: FCA Investigation into CB Payments Limited for allegedly breaching the voluntary requirement on financial crime control framework


Current status
in force
23 Jul 2024 in force


United Kingdom
Policy Area
Consumer protection
Policy Instrument
User identification requirement
Regulated Economic Activity
digital payment provider (incl. cryptocurrencies)
Government Branch
Government Body
other regulatory body
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

23 Jul 2024
in force

Issued ruling in FCA Investigation into CB Payments Limited for breaching the voluntary requirement on financial crime control framework

On 23 July 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued a ruling with a fine of around GBP 3.5 million against CB Payments Limited (CBPL) for ineffective financial crime control framework. CBPL is an authorised electronic money Institution wit…

Event type investigation
Action type ruling
Government branch executive
Government body other regulatory body