
Current status
in force
01 Feb 2024 in force
29 Jan 2024 adopted


Policy Area
Content moderation
Policy Instrument
Content moderation authority governance
Regulated Economic Activity
infrastructure provider: internet and telecom services
online advertising provider
platform intermediary: user-generated content
streaming service provider
platform intermediary: e-commerce
other service provider
software provider: app stores
search service provider
software provider: other software
messaging service provider
platform intermediary: other
Government Branch
Government Body
central government
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

01 Feb 2024
in force

Implemented Online Criminal Harms (Prescribed Law Enforcement Agencies) Order 2024

On 1 February 2024, the Online Criminal Harms (Prescribed Law Enforcement Agencies) Order 2024, adopted by the Minister for Home Affairs under the Online Criminal Harms Act, comes into effect. The order designates as prescribed law enforcement agenc…

Event type order
Action type implementation
Government branch executive
Government body central government
29 Jan 2024

Adopted Online Criminal Harms (Prescribed Law Enforcement Agencies) Order 2024

On 29 January 2024, the the Minister for Home Affairs under the Online Criminal Harms Act adopted the Online Criminal Harms (Prescribed Law Enforcement Agencies) Order 2024. The order designates as prescribed law enforcement agencies the Police For…

Event type order
Action type adoption
Government branch executive
Government body central government