
Current status
in grace period
26 Jun 2024 in grace period
21 Jun 2024 adopted


Policy Area
Consumer protection
Policy Instrument
User identification requirement
Regulated Economic Activity
platform intermediary: user-generated content
messaging service provider
platform intermediary: other
Government Branch
Government Body
other regulatory body
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

26 Jun 2024
in grace period

Entry into force with grace period of SPF Code of Practice for E-Commerce Services including user identification requirement

On 26 June 2024, the Singapore Police Force (SPF)’s Code of Practice for E-Commerce Services under the Online Criminal Harms Act 2023 enters into force with a grace period. The code requires all designated e-commerce service providers to verify thei…

Event type order
Action type in force with grace period
Government branch executive
Government body other regulatory body
21 Jun 2024

Adopted SPF Code of Practice for E-Commerce Services including user identification requirement

On 21 June 2024, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) adopted the Code of Practice for E-Commerce Services under the Online Criminal Harms Act 2023. The code requires all designated e-commerce service providers to verify their business users against gov…

Event type order
Action type adoption
Government branch executive
Government body other regulatory body