United States of America: State of California lawsuit against Postmates and Uber over constitutionality of California Assembly Bill 5


Current status
in force
10 Jun 2024 in force


United States of America
Policy Area
Labour law
Policy Instrument
Worker classification or protection regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
platform intermediary: other
Government Branch
Government Body
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

10 Jun 2024
in force

Issued Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruling in Postmates and Uber case challenging constitutionality of Assembly Bill 5

On 10 June 2024, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued its ruling regarding the constitutionality of California Assembly Bill 5. Uber and Postmates, which is owned by Uber, challenged the constitutionality of Assembly Bill 5, alleging th…

Event type public lawsuit
Action type ruling
Government branch judiciary
Government body court