
Current status
01 Oct 2024 in force
13 Mar 2024 adopted
28 Feb 2024 adopted
21 Feb 2024 under deliberation
05 Feb 2024 under deliberation


United States of America
Policy Area
Data governance
Policy Instrument
Data protection regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
platform intermediary: user-generated content
Government Branch
Government Body
central government
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

01 Oct 2024
in force

Implemented Social Media Regulation Amendments (SB 194) including data protection regulation

On 1 October 2024, the Social Media Regulation Amendments Bill (SB 194) entered into force. The Bill requires the implementation of an age verification mechanism for minors and mandates that personal information collected within the age verificatio…

Event type law
Action type implementation
Government branch executive
Government body central government
13 Mar 2024

Signed Social Media Regulation Amendments (SB 194) including data protection regulation

On 13 March 2024, the Governor of Utah signed the Social Media Regulation Amendments Bill (SB 194). The Bill aims to introduce age verification mechanisms for minors and mandates that personal information collected within the age verification mechan…

Event type law
Action type signing
Government branch executive
Government body central government
28 Feb 2024

Adopted Social Media Regulation Amendments (SB 194) including data protection regulation

On 28 February 2024, the Social Media Regulation Amendments Bill (SB 194) was adopted. The Bill aims to introduce age verification mechanisms for minors and mandates that personal information collected within the age verification mechanisms be kept …

Event type law
Action type adoption
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
21 Feb 2024
under deliberation

Passed Social Media Regulation Amendments (SB 194) including data protection regulation

On 21 February 2024, the Social Media Regulation Amendments Bill (SB 194) was passed by the Senate. The Bill aims to introduce age verification mechanisms for minors and mandates that personal information collected within the age verification mechan…

Event type law
Action type passage
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
05 Feb 2024
under deliberation

Introduced Social Media Regulation Amendments (SB 194) including data protection regulation

On 5 February 2024, the Social Media Regulation Amendments Bill (SB 194) including data protection regulation, was introduced in the Senate. The Bill aims to introduce age verification mechanisms for minors and mandates that personal information col…

Event type law
Action type introduction
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament