Indonesia: Content Moderation Regulation in Presidential Regulation No. 32 of 2024 on the Digital Platform Companies' Responsibility to Support Quality Journalism


Current status
in force
20 Aug 2024 in force
20 Feb 2024 adopted


Policy Area
Content moderation
Policy Instrument
Content moderation regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
platform intermediary: user-generated content
platform intermediary: e-commerce
platform intermediary: other
Government Branch
Government Body
central government
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

20 Aug 2024
in force

Implemented Presidential Regulation on Digital Platform Companies' Responsibility to Support Quality Journalism including content moderation regulation

On 20 August 2024, Regulation No. 32 of 2024 on the Responsibility of Digital Platform Companies to Support Quality Journalism came into force. The digital platform companies in Indonesia are defined by the presence of their services in the country.…

Event type order
Action type implementation
Government branch executive
Government body central government
20 Feb 2024

Adopted Presidential Regulation on Digital Platform Companies' Responsibility to Support Quality Journalism including content moderation regulation

On 20 February 2024, the Indonesian President issued Presidential Regulation No. 32 of 2024 on the Responsibility of Digital Platform Companies to Support Quality Journalism. The digital platform companies in Indonesia are defined by the presence of…

Event type order
Action type adoption
Government branch executive
Government body central government