
Current status
in force
22 Sep 2023 in force
21 Sep 2021 adopted
12 Jun 2020 under deliberation


Policy Area
Data governance
Policy Instrument
Data protection regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
Government Branch
Government Body
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

22 Sep 2023
in force

Implementation of Quebec data protection regime

On 22 September 2023, the Quebec data protection regime (projet de loi 64) is implemented. The Act introduces a new notification regime in case of data breaches. By this day, companies will have to have implemented the following obligations. Compani…

Event type law
Action type implementation
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
21 Sep 2021

Adoption of Quebec data protection regime

On 21 September 2021, the legislative proposal for a data protection regime (projet de loi 64) is adopted by the Quebec National Assembly. The Act introduces a new notification regime in case of data breaches. Until the Act is put in force on 22 Sep…

Event type law
Action type adoption
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
12 Jun 2020
under deliberation

Introduction of legislative proposal to reform the Quebec data protection regime

On 12 June 2020, the Legislative proposal (projet de loi 64) aiming to reform and modernise the data protection regime is introduced in the Quebec legislature. The Act introduces would introduce a notification regime in case of data breaches, requi…

Event type law
Action type introduction
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament

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