
Current status
in force
27 Dec 2019 revoked
30 Dec 2018 adopted
23 Dec 2018 under deliberation
08 Dec 2018 under deliberation
31 Oct 2018 under deliberation


Policy Area
Policy Instrument
Direct taxes including Digital Service Taxes
Regulated Economic Activity
online advertising provider
platform intermediary: user-generated content
other service provider
Government Branch
Government Body
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

27 Dec 2019

Termination of digital service tax

The digital service tax in the 2019 Budget Law did not come into effect because the necessary implementation decree was never adopted. The respective paragraphs were amended in the 2020 Budget Law to create an operational digital service tax.

Event type law
Action type termination
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
30 Dec 2018

Adoption of annual budget including digital service tax of 3 percent

The 2018 Budget Law was adopted. It includes the establishment of a new digital service tax while it also repeals the one from the previous year. The tax applies to the following services: (1) targeted advertising, (2) provision of a digital interfa…

Event type law
Action type adoption
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
23 Dec 2018
under deliberation

Passage of annual budget including digital service tax of 3 percent

The Italian Senate passed the 2018 Budget Law back to the Champer of Deputies due to changes. The bill includes the establishment of a new digital service tax while it also repeals the one from the previous year. The tax applies to the following ser…

Event type law
Action type passage
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
08 Dec 2018
under deliberation

Passage of annual budget including digital service tax of 3 percent

The Italian Chamber of Deputies passed the 2018 Budget Law to the Senate. The bill includes the establishment of a new digital service tax while it also repeals the one from the previous year. The tax applies to the following services: (1) targeted …

Event type law
Action type passage
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
31 Oct 2018
under deliberation

Introduction of annual budget including digital service tax of 3 percent

The 2018 Budget Law was introduced to the Chamber of Deputies. It includes the establishment of a new digital service tax while it also repeals the one from the previous year. The tax applies to the following services: (1) targeted advertising, (2) …

Event type law
Action type introduction
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament