United States of America: Bill on consent of a minor's legal representative for interactive computer service contracts (HB 61)


Current status
01 Aug 2024 adopted
28 Jun 2023 adopted
06 Jun 2023 adopted
27 Apr 2023 under deliberation
03 Mar 2023 under deliberation


United States of America
Policy Area
Authorisation, registration and licensing
Policy Instrument
Age verification requirement
Regulated Economic Activity
Government Branch
Government Body
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

01 Aug 2024

Implemented Act 440 on consent of a minor's legal representative for interactive computer service contracts (HB 61)

On 1 August 2024, Act No 440 regulating consent in contracts between minors and interactive computer services enters into force. The Act prohibits interactive computer services from entering into a contract, including the creation of an online accou…

Event type law
Action type signing
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
28 Jun 2023

Signed Bill on consent of a minor's legal representative for interactive computer service contracts (HB 61)

On 28 June 2023, HB 61 regulating consent in contracts between minors and interactive computer services was signed into Law by the Governor of Louisiana. In particular, the Bill prohibits interactive computer services from entering into a contract, …

Event type law
Action type signing
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
06 Jun 2023

Adopted Bill on consent of a minor's legal representative for interactive computer service contracts (HB 61)

On 6 June 2023, HB 61 regulating consent in contracts between minors and interactive computer services was adopted after being passed by the Louisiana Senate. In particular, the Bill will prohibit interactive computer services from entering into a c…

Event type law
Action type adoption
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
27 Apr 2023
under deliberation

Passed Bill on consent of a minor's legal representative for interactive computer service contracts (HB 61)

On 27 April 2023, HB 61 regulating consent in contracts between minors and interactive computer services was passed by the Louisiana House of Representatives. In particular, the Bill would prohibit interactive computer services from entering into a …

Event type law
Action type passage
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
03 Mar 2023
under deliberation

Introduced Bill on consent of a minor's legal representative for interactive computer service contracts (HB 61)

On 3 March 2023, HB 61 regulating consent in contracts between minors and interactive computer services was introduced into the Louisiana House of Representatives. In particular, the Bill would prohibit interactive computer services from entering in…

Event type law
Action type introduction
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament