Germany: Bundeskartellamt investigation into Microsoft to determine status as a company of paramount significance for competition across markets


Current status
in force
30 Sep 2024 in force
28 Mar 2023 under deliberation


Policy Area
Policy Instrument
Unilateral conduct regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
search service provider
software provider: other software
infrastructure provider: cloud computing, storage and databases
Government Branch
Government Body
competition authority
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

30 Sep 2024
in force

Issued Bundeskartellamt ruling classifying Microsoft as an undertaking of paramount significance for competition across markets

On 30 September 2024, the German Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt) issued a decision classifying Microsoft as an undertaking of paramount significance for competition across markets under Section 19a of the German Digitalisation Act on extend…

Event type investigation
Action type ruling
Government branch executive
Government body competition authority
28 Mar 2023
under deliberation

Announced investigation into Microsoft to determine status as a company of paramount significance for competition across markets

On 28 March 2023, the German Competition Authority (Bundeskartellamt) announced its investigation into Microsoft in order to determine whether the company was of paramount significance for competition across markets. This determination is the first …

Event type investigation
Action type announcement
Government branch executive
Government body competition authority