Italy: Competition Authority investigation into TikTok over alleged failure to remove content classified as dangerous


Current status
in force
06 Mar 2024 in force
21 Mar 2023 under deliberation


Policy Area
Content moderation
Policy Instrument
Content moderation regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
online advertising provider
platform intermediary: user-generated content
Government Branch
Government Body
competition authority
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

06 Mar 2024
in force

Issued ruling in AGCM investigation into TikTok over alleged failure to remove content classified as dangerous

On 6 March 2024, the Italian Competition Authority (AGCM) ruled in an investigation into TikTok over its failure to moderate content displayed on the platform and imposed a fine of EUR 10 million. The investigation found TikTok responsible for disse…

Event type investigation
Action type ruling
Government branch executive
Government body competition authority
21 Mar 2023
under deliberation

Announced AGCM investigation into TikTok over alleged failure to remove content classified as dangerous

On 21 March 2023, the Italian Competition Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato- AGCM) opened an investigation into TikTok over its alleged failure to moderate content displayed on the platform. The AGCM claims that the TikTok …

Event type investigation
Action type announcement
Government branch executive
Government body competition authority