On 1 September 2023, Federal Law No. 301-FZ amending Law on the Protection of Competition, previously Bill No. 160280-8, was implemented. he Law applies to dominant entities that own a digital platform, determined by three thresholds: 1) Having rev…
SourceOn 10 July 2023, Federal Law No. 301-FZ amending Law on the Protection of Competition, previously Bill No. 160280-8, entered into force after it was signed and published in the official gazette. The Law applies to dominant entities that own a digit…
SourceOn 5 July 2023, the Bill amending the Federal Law On the Protection of Competition Regarding Unilateral Conduct (Bill No. 160280-8) was adopted by the Federal Council. The Bill applies to dominant entities that own a digital platform, determined by …
SourceOn 7 July 2022, the Bill amending the Federal Law On the Protection of Competition Regarding Unilateral Conduct (Bill No. 160280-8) was introduced in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. The Bill amends the Federal Law on the Protection of Comp…