Russia: Bill amending Digital Financial Assets, Digital Currency Act (FZ-259) to authorise digital currencies mining and utilisation (Bill no. 237585-8/Federal Law No. 221-FZ)


Current status
01 Nov 2024 in force
02 Aug 2024 adopted
30 Jul 2024 under deliberation
17 Nov 2022 under deliberation


Policy Area
Authorisation, registration and licensing
Policy Instrument
Authorisation of goods or services
Regulated Economic Activity
digital payment provider (incl. cryptocurrencies)
Government Branch
Government Body
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

01 Nov 2024
in force

Implemented Law amending FZ-259 autorising digital currencies mining and utilisation

On 1 November 2024, the Law amending the Digital financial assets, digital currency and changes in Certain Legislative Acts (Bill no. 237585-8/Federal Law No. 221-FZ) enters into force. The Law mandates the creation of a list of address identifiers …

Event type law
Action type implementation
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
02 Aug 2024

Adopted Bill amending FZ-259 autorising digital currencies mining and utilisation

On 2 August 2024, Bill no. 237585-8, amending the Digital financial assets, digital currency and changes in Certain Legislative Acts (FZ-259), was adopted. The Bill mandates the creation of a list of address identifiers suspected of involvement in i…

Event type law
Action type adoption
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
30 Jul 2024
under deliberation

Passed Bill amending FZ-259 autorising digital currencies mining and utilisation

On 30 July 2024, Bill no.237585-8, amending the Digital financial assets, digital currency and changes in Certain Legislative Acts (FZ-259), was passed by the State Duma. The Bill introduces extensive amendments to various legislative acts, focusing…

Event type law
Action type passage
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament
17 Nov 2022
under deliberation

Introduced Bill amending FZ-259 autorising digital currencies mining and utilisation

On 17 November 2022, the Bill no. 237585-8 amending the Digital financial assets, digital currency and changes in Certain Legislative Acts (FZ-259) was introduced in the State Duma. The Bill aims to establish a new regulatory framework and foresight…

Event type law
Action type introduction
Government branch legislature
Government body parliament