
Current status
in force
08 May 2024 in force
10 Jan 2024 in force
20 Oct 2022 in force


Policy Area
Policy Instrument
Unilateral conduct regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
online advertising provider
platform intermediary: user-generated content
messaging service provider
Government Branch
Government Body
competition authority
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

08 May 2024
in force

Issued ruling regarding compliance measures in investigation into Meta for combining data collected from its core services accepting Meta's proposals and finalising fine

On 8 May 2024, the Competition Authority issued a ruling in its investigation into Meta for combining data collected from its core services. The Authority accepted Meta's proposed solutions to the obligations imposed by the Authority and finalised a…

Event type investigation
Action type ruling
Government branch executive
Government body competition authority
10 Jan 2024
in force

Issued further ruling for failure to meet compliance measures in investigation into Meta for combining data collected from its core services

On 10 January 2024, the Competition Authority of Turkiye announced its decision regarding the investigation into Meta concerning a failure to comply with the measures imposed after a previous violation of the Competition Protection Law. The Competit…

Event type investigation
Action type ruling
Government branch executive
Government body competition authority
20 Oct 2022
in force

Issued ruling in investigation into Meta for combining data collected from its core services

On 20 October 2022, the Turkish Competition Authority (TCA) announced it had concluded its investigation into Meta and issued a fine of TRY 346’717’193, approximately EUR 18.6 million. The TCA found that Meta has a dominant position in the market an…

Event type investigation
Action type ruling
Government branch executive
Government body competition authority