Japan: JFTC inquiry into transactions between businesses providing specific software and app providers as part of implementation of Smartphone Software Competition Promotion Act


Current status
processing consultation
08 Sep 2024 processing consultation
31 Jul 2024 in consultation


Policy Area
Policy Instrument
Competition authority governance
Regulated Economic Activity
software provider: app stores
search service provider
software provider: other software
infrastructure provider: cloud computing, storage and databases
Government Branch
Government Body
competition authority
Implementation Level

Timeline of events

08 Sep 2024
processing consultation

Closed consultation on JFTC implementation of the Smartphone Software Competition Promotion Act

On 8 September 2024, the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) closes a public consultation on the implementation of the Smartphone Software Competition Promotion Act. The consultation seeks to understand the current business transactions between softw…

Event type inquiry
Action type consultation closed
Government branch executive
Government body competition authority
31 Jul 2024
in consultation

Opened consultation on JFTC implementation of Smartphone Software Competition Promotion Act

On 31 July 2024, the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) opened a public consultation to gather information on the implementation of the Smartphone Software Competition Promotion Act until 8 September 2024. The consultation seeks to understand the cu…

Event type inquiry
Action type consultation opened
Government branch executive
Government body competition authority