Philippines: Implemented NPC's guidelines on the issuance of identification (ID) cards to data subjects (NPC Circular No. 2023-03)

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Implemented NPC's guidelines on the issuance of identification (ID) cards to data subjects (NPC Circular No. 2023-03)

On 29 March 2024, the National Privacy Commission (NPC)'s guidelines on the issuance of identification (ID) cards to data subjects (NPC Circular No. 2023-03) entered into force. The guidelines apply to all personal information controllers (PICs) in the private sector issuing ID cards to their respective data subjects. The guidelines provide information on the processing of personal data when issuing ID cards, specifying that it should be compliant with the proportionality principle. In particular, the ID cards should collect and process only essential personal data required for the purpose of identification and if they contain additional features, the additional personal data should be reasonable and necessary for the specific functions of the card. Finally, the PICs are required to implement security measures to safeguard the data stored. In case of non-compliance, the PICs face civil, criminal, and administrative penalties.

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Policy Area
Data governance
Policy Instrument
Data protection regulation
Regulated Economic Activity
other service provider
Implementation Level
Government Branch
Government Body
data protection authority

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On 7 November 2023, the National Privacy Commission (NPC) adopted guidelines on the issuance of ide…

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On 29 March 2024, the National Privacy Commission (NPC)'s guidelines on the issuance of identificat…